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Support for armed forces and their families

Armed Forces Covenant

We are committed to providing fair and accessible services to all members of our community. This includes members/reservists of the armed forces and their families.

To show our commitment we have signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant ( This is in addition to the Community Covenant that, as part of the Fife Partnership, we made a pledge to in 2011.

By signing up to these covenants we agree to make sure that those who serve or who have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, are treated fairly, and will not be disadvantaged in accessing public services due to their military service.

In particular, the Covenant addresses that we will:

  • provide support to the spouses and partners of serving personnel who often face challenges when seeking employment.
  • acknowledge the specific challenge and commit to meet the housing and educational needs of service families as these can also be different from those of the general public.
  • as an employer, we will provide and support current employees who are members of the Reserve Forces.

As part of the Covenant the armed forces community are also encouraged to do as much as they can to support the communities they live in and promote activities which help integrate the service community into civilian life.

Other support

"At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month – we will remember them."

Every year, on the 11 November at 11am we come together on Armistice Day, also known as Remembrance Day, to remember the people who have died in wars. It marks the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918.

As a council we observe the two minutes silence on 11th November and our councillors and Provost attend local services on Remembrance Sunday, this is usually the second Sunday in November.

Poppy Scotland and The Royal British Legion also provide vital support for service families, veterans and those currently serving.

Useful links

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