On 19th January 2022, the Scottish Government passed the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) Order 2022. The council then introduced a Short-term Let Licencing Scheme from 1st October 2022.
The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) Amendment Order 2024 was then passed by the Scottish Parliament on 26th June 2024. The Amendment Order 2024 took effect from 30th August 2024.
The legislation amendments include:
- the introduction of powers enabling the transfer of short-term let licences (which will aid the selling and purchase of short-term let accommodation)
- the option for prospective hosts constructing buildings for short-term let use to apply for a provisional licence that can be confirmed once the premises are complete (which will support the financial lending approval process)
- exclusions for guest rooms in specific types of accommodation (which will cover hospitals, nursing homes and sheltered housing)
- exclusions for short-term emergency accommodation provided by foster carers for foster children (long-term term care where the accommodation is the foster child’s main residence is already excluded)
- changes to allow up to three periods of temporary exemptions in each calendar year which must not exceed a combined total of six weeks overall
A new mandatory condition has been introduced, regarding Carbon Monoxide information.
The following information must be provided to guests:
- instructions as to what guests should do in the event that the carbon monoxide alarms sounds and,
- where relevant, if there is a mobile gas cabinet heater in the premises, safety instructions as to the operation and movement of the mobile heater.
We are in the process of updating our Short-term Let Policy and related publications to account for these changes. If you require a Transfer or Provisional application, please contact us at shorttermlets@fife.gov.uk.
Short-term Let operation from 1st October 2022
New hosts and operators need to have a licence to operate lawfully. This means that if you were not using your premises to provide short-term lets before 1st October 2022, you can advertise but not take bookings or receive guests until you have obtained a licence.
Existing hosts and operators who operated before 1st October 2022 had until 1st October 2023 to apply for a licence. After 1st October 2023, existing hosts can only continue to operate if they have:
- Submitted an application for a licence before 1st October 2023 that has not yet been determined, or
- Been granted a short-term let licence
Timescale to determine applications
- Existing Hosts/Operators - up to 12 months
- New Hosts/Operators - up to 9 months
Please note, existing hosts and operators that did not apply for a licence before 1st October 2023 will be considered as new applications. It is unlawful for such hosts to operate until the licence application is determined.
There are four types of licence for short-term let accommodation:
- Secondary letting - The letting of property where you do not normally live, for example, a second home that is let to guests
- Home letting - Using all or part of your own home for short-term lets, whilst you are absent. An example of this could be whilst you are on holiday
- Home sharing - Using all or part of your own home for short-term lets, whilst you are there
- Home letting and home sharing - Operating short-term lets from your own home while you are living there and for periods when you are absent
Apply for a licence
From 1st October 2022, new hosts and operators cannot accept bookings until they have obtained a licence.
We have produced an STL Application Help Sheet with the information required to complete the online application form.
You should include/attach:
- Annual gas certificate (for premises with a gas supply)
- Electrical Installation Condition Report
- Portable Appliance Testing Report
Also, there are additional certificates you should have at hand in order to submit expiry dates where requested.
You should provide expiry dates for:
- EPC Certificate (for premises which are dwellinghouses)
- Buildings Insurance.
- Public Liability Insurance.
- Legionella Risk Assessment
Please use the Apply for a Short-term Lets Licence button below to apply.
Public Notice - Notifying Residents and Neighbours
When an application is made for a licence, it is a duty for the applicants to display a Public Notice at or near the premise for 21 days. This is not required for a Temporary Licence or Exemption. A template is available below.
Certificate of Compliance
You must confirm the Public Notice has been displayed for 21 days with a Certificate of Compliance. Please return the Certificate of Compliance when the public notice period ends and within 7 days of the Public Notice expiring. This is not required for a Temporary Licence or Exemption. A template is available below.
Consultation survey - your views matter
Our online consultation survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took part and gave us their views on which discretionary elements of the legislation should be included to reflect the Fife context. This will help shape the way we deliver the scheme. You can find the consultation survey responses here, or under Fife Council publications at the bottom of the page.
Short-term Lets Public Register
The Public Register of applications shows a summary of current licences and applications.
To find a specific address within the Register, follow these steps:
- Press Ctrl+F within the spreadsheet
- Enter address or postcode within the pop up box
- click 'Find'
- This will highlight the cell you have searched
Objections and Representations
Representations about the application may be made by any member of the public. Representations must:
- be in writing
- specify the grounds of the objection and / or the nature of the representation
- set out the name and address of the person making it
- must be signed by the person, or on their behalf; and
- be made within 28 days of public notice of the application being given
Copies of any representations will be shared with the applicant. Representations made to the Licencing Authority after 28 days but before a final decision is taken on the application, may be still be considered. We must be satisfied that it was reasonable for the representation to have been made after the deadline.
Representations should be sent by post or email to Fife Council:
- Post: Short-term Lets, Housing Services, Fife House (3rd Floor), Glenrothes, KY7 5LT
- Email: shorttermlets@fife.gov.uk
Privacy Notice
The information provided by you will be used by Fife Council to process your application and keep you informed of any updates for your application or licence. Further information on how your information is used can be found on our Housing privacy notice.
Fife Council publications
- Short-term Let Policy
- Short-term Let PowerPoint presentation - Application help
- Short-term Let Fife Consultation responses June 2022 (PowerPoint)
- Scottish Government letter for guesthouses
- Planning Guidance
- Additional Conditions
- Mandatory Conditions
- Risk Assessment Guidance
- Public Notice
- Certificate of Compliance
- Fee Structure